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The Whittier Side Of Life

T.R Whittier is an Independent Literary Artist, Fictionista, and Everyday Chick who is incapable of living a life less literary.

Auntie Mame: An Irreverent Escapade

Auntie Mame - Patrick Dennis, Paul Rudnick, Michael Tanner Every once in a blue moon, on a night when the stars are celebrating with a glass of champagne, and the air is heady with the scent of perfume, a person like Auntie Mame is born. While often criticized as not being of much "practical merit," - that is, not having much insight into the world of commerce, nor much interest in it- these beings are as vital to the overall good health of society as is the food we eat and the water we drink. "Madcap Mame," Dennis' eccentric Aunt, may not have been the model surrogate mother, but she made sure that her nephew developed his spirit as well as his mind. If you are fortunate, as I am, to have a person like this in your life, this novel will make you appreciate her/him even more than you already do. And if you don't appreciate this person, Auntie Mame will have a very serious "Little Morning Chat" with you about that.